Mother- Children Health Center in Yopougon Ivory Coast
Akuesson Healthcare International is a non-profit organization in New York with a Goal to provide high-quality healthcare to low-income women and mothers in Africa.
Total Cost of the project is $500,000.00
We are asking for your support for the Development of a health facility of 20 Beds for Mother-Child Couple in Yopougon Ivory Coast Africa.
Maternal mortality is 543 per 100,000 live births. (EIS, 2005).
The coverage rate for antenatal care (at least one antenatal visit) was between 2006-2010 of 85% (Unicef Côte d´Ivoire 2010).
The coverage rate for antenatal care was 45% between 2006-2010 (Unicef Côte Ivory 2010); (at least four antenatal consultations are recommended).
The coverage rate for childbirth care, by qualified nursing staff, was 57% in 2006-2010 (Unicef Côte d´Ivoire 2010).
The coverage rate for cesarean sections was 6% between 2006 and 2010, The annual number of births is 673,000 (Unicef Côte d´Ivoire 2010); The neonatal mortality rate was 41 per 1000 live births (EIS, 2005) in 2009 (in Egypt 13 per 1000 live births; in Canada 3 per 1000 live births); Under-5 mortality increased from 173 deaths per 1,000 live births in2000 to 123 per 1000 live births in 2010 (Unicef Côte d´Ivoire 2010); The annual number of deaths of children under 5 in 2010 is 80,000; Infant and child mortality is 119 per 1000 live births (Unicef Côte d´Ivoire 2010).
The prevalence of HIV in adults 15-49 years is estimated at 3.4% in 2009; With regard to the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV / AIDS, the number estimated women of childbearing age (over the age of 15) living with HIV is estimated to 220,000 in 2009; The number of orphans aged 0-17 years (all causes including HIV) was 1,100,000 in 2009.
Main objective
- Contribute to the reduction of maternal, neonatal, infant and juvenile mortality and morbidity.
Intermediate objectives
- Improve the healthcare offer for the mother-child couple.
- Offer quality services and care to the mother-child couple.
Specific objectives
- Establish a modern environment suitable for mother and child care.
- Develop interdisciplinarily.
- Promote holistic care of the child according to the current vision.
- Have qualified human resources.
- Participate in the practical training of postdoctoral specialists.
- Improve care by setting up medico-technical indicators, treatment protocols, assessments, and clinical research.
- Develop a welcoming and motivating professional environment for caregivers.
Missions of the Children's Hospital
The mission of the Mother and Child Hospital of is to provide humanist expertise in the following areas:
- General
- Specialized
- Prevention
- Health promotion
- Continuing education for doctors, paramedics and administrators of the Children's
- Specialized training for doctors who have passed their thesis
Education -Evaluation -Research
- Health education
- Evaluation of professional practices
- Possible publication of evaluation results and studies concerning patient care (clinical research)
- Sharing with the national and international community of caregivers, knowledge, know-how and life skills
This medical project is structured around 6 medical specialties and a technical platform. The medical and medico-surgical specialties are as follows:
Gynecology Obstetrics Infertility
Gyneco-obstetric, pediatric care, prevention of breast, cervical and obstetric fistula cancers
Medical Pediatrics
Pediatric Surgery
Ear, Nose, Throat
Anesthesia and resuscitation
The technical platform consists of:
The obstetrical unit and its 2 delivery rooms (including 1 convertible into an operating room in case of extreme emergency)
The operating room with its 2 surgical intervention rooms
The 4-seat post-intervention surveillance room
The 4-bed ambulatory unit
The medical imaging service
The laboratory
The pharmacy
More Information about the project you can contact
Mr.Adotey Akuesson
- 646-961-9191