
Mother- Children Health Center in Yopougon Ivory Coast

Akuesson Healthcare International is a non-profit organization in New York with a Goal to provide high-quality healthcare to low-income women and mothers in Africa.   

Total Cost of the project is $500,000.00

We are asking for your support for the Development of a health facility of 20 Beds for Mother-Child Couple in Yopougon Ivory Coast Africa.


  • Maternal mortality is 543 per 100,000 live births. (EIS, 2005).
  • The coverage rate for antenatal care (at least one antenatal visit) was between 2006-2010 of 85% (Unicef ​​Côte d´Ivoire 2010).
  • The coverage rate for antenatal care was 45% between 2006-2010 (Unicef ​​Côte Ivory 2010); (at least four antenatal consultations are recommended).
  • The coverage rate for childbirth care, by qualified nursing staff, was 57% in 2006-2010 (Unicef ​​Côte d´Ivoire 2010).
  • The coverage rate for cesarean sections was 6% between 2006 and 2010, The annual number of births is 673,000 (Unicef ​​Côte d´Ivoire 2010); The neonatal mortality rate was 41 per 1000 live births (EIS, 2005) in 2009 (in Egypt 13 per 1000 live births; in Canada 3 per 1000 live births); Under-5 mortality increased from 173 deaths per 1,000 live births in2000 to 123 per 1000 live births in 2010 (Unicef ​​Côte d´Ivoire 2010); The annual number of deaths of children under 5 in 2010 is 80,000; Infant and child mortality is 119 per 1000 live births (Unicef ​​Côte d´Ivoire 2010).
  • The prevalence of HIV in adults 15-49 years is estimated at 3.4% in 2009; With regard to the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV / AIDS, the number estimated women of childbearing age (over the age of 15) living with HIV is estimated to 220,000 in 2009; The number of orphans aged 0-17 years (all causes including HIV) was 1,100,000 in 2009.

Main objective

  • Contribute to the reduction of maternal, neonatal, infant and juvenile mortality and morbidity.

Intermediate objectives

  • Improve the healthcare offer for the mother-child couple.
  • Offer quality services and care to the mother-child couple.

Specific objectives

  • Establish a modern environment suitable for mother and child care.
  • Develop interdisciplinarily.
  • Promote holistic care of the child according to the current vision.
  • Have qualified human resources.
  • Participate in the practical training of postdoctoral specialists.
  • Improve care by setting up medico-technical indicators, treatment protocols, assessments, and clinical research.
  • Develop a welcoming and motivating professional environment for caregivers.

Missions of the Children's Hospital

The mission of the Mother and Child Hospital of is to provide humanist expertise in the following areas:



Education -Evaluation -Research


This medical project is structured around 6 medical specialties and a technical platform. The medical and medico-surgical specialties are as follows:


Gynecology Obstetrics Infertility


Gyneco-obstetric, pediatric care, prevention of breast, cervical and obstetric fistula cancers


Medical Pediatrics


Pediatric Surgery




Ear, Nose, Throat


Anesthesia and resuscitation

The technical platform consists of:


The obstetrical unit and its 2 delivery rooms (including 1 convertible into an operating room in case of extreme emergency)


The operating room with its 2 surgical intervention rooms


The 4-seat post-intervention surveillance room


The 4-bed ambulatory unit


The medical imaging service


The laboratory


The pharmacy

More Information about the project you can contact

Mr.Adotey Akuesson


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